The Sun Didn’t Leave You

While doing chores, the television was on. I heard the actor say “the sun didn’t leave you”  He said something about it making room for the moon. “The sun didn’t leave you.”

It caused me to think of how easy it is to question actions and motives of those around us, when they go down.

“I’m having an issue, my husband is not showing me, love.”

“I gave my children the best I could, but now no one shows me, love, not even to call me.”

“I was there for her/him where are they now?”

“I have prayed for them, who is there to pray for me?”

Our emotions can be manipulated, by so many different things around us, which can affect our moods and perspective. This is not just for those who think negatively almost all the time. However, for those of us who lead positive lives but as Nicole D said to me “we go down the rabbit hole sometimes”

Going down the rabbit hole causes us to forget the promises of God. In Genesis 2:14-17 He said let there light, and there was. Since the day He said so, the sun has not failed to be in the sky or the moon and stars. What has He said that you are choosing not to believe when thinking the sun has left you?

People tend to ask me ” how do I do this, how can I change how I think?”

Hide the Word in your heart. It’s a guide for everyday living. For some of us, we have to write the positive down so our eyes can see it and then literally open our mouths so our spirits can receive it. It’s from that place of speaking the truth, consistently, that will help us to take God at His Word. For those that are unsaved. Once you begin to use the scriptures over yourself, hope rises.

For the Journal

I am who God says I am. I am loved. I am here for a reason. I can overcome the obstacles before me, through Jesus Christ who gives me strength. I am above the things that set out to destroy my peace. I will get through this grief from sudden death and job loss. I will see the good in the situation, so that which was meant for my harm will work out for my good. I will hold on to the love that has been evident in this my relationship. I will see the moon and stars and know that God’s Word has not failed.

Friends Take your head out of the darkness. Look up and see the light. Feel the love. Keep moving, keep pressing. Hope is in your future. Don’t rush to conclusions, give yourself time, give the other person time, and give God time to reveal things to you and heal you from within. Look at the lights Nicole captured in her picture, even if your eyes can’t see a single star in the sky, they are there. Let there be, has not gone undone to this day.

Started with the sun, ending with this reminder, the Son didn’t leave you. He is at the right hand of the Father making Intercession for you. Lift your chin off your chest, don’t go down the rabbit hole. Pull the thoughts into the light.

I love you.

One response to “The Sun Didn’t Leave You”

  1. Definitely sure that His words never fail therefore His promises are guaranteed!


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